
Community Medicaid Recertification A number of years ago, prior to any of the Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) agencies coming into existence applicants/recipients had to struggle each year with their renewals also known as recertification. Some individuals did not know the proper procedures and/or what was expected of them and ultimately were denied. Others immediately… Read more »

Denied by Medicaid?

What Should You Do If Denied By MEDICAID? While many will advise individuals denied by Medicaid to seek other alternatives, such as, entering into a payment plan with doctors and/or hospitals, or file for bankruptcy, or even avoid going to hospitals and doctors, which are all ridiculous and absurd. We at Elder Care Services, Inc.,… Read more »

Why Medicaid?

There’s a light at the end of the health insurance tunnel, and it’s called Medicaid! Whether you like or dislike government assistance, it’s a matter of fact, that your elderly or disabled loved one’s have the following choices: 1)         deplete their life savings, use the equity of their homes, and use their income to pay… Read more »

Managed Long Term Care Plan

THINGS TO KNOW In 2015 Medicaid recipients 21 years old or older, who are dual eligible, have both Medicare and Medicaid, and receive either home care services or nursing home care through a Managed Long Term Care Agency (MLTCA) will be eligible to join FIDA (Fully Integrated Dual Advantage) program. Current MLTCA plan provides the following… Read more »

Spousal Impoverishment Budgeting

New Changes in Spousal Impoverishment Budgeting: On August 5, 2014 New York State Department of Health issued their famous GIS (General Information System), GIS 14 MA/015, which basically eliminated the use of a pooled income trust for a married individual.  It meant that excess or surplus income (in 2014 $809 per month), was not allowed… Read more »

Accessing Medicaid Home Care Services

Don’t Let The New Regulation Discourage You From Accessing Medicaid Home-Care Services  New regulation recently passed regarding the use of the “Spousal Refusal,” is discouraging many eligible applicants from applying for Medicaid. However, once the applicant understands the new regulation, they will see that there are still opportunities to protect their life savings and receive… Read more »

Medicaid v. Private

Several times a week, when I discuss Medicaid eligibility, I hear the following reaction:   “I am not going to subject my parents to a Medicaid home attendant,” or “I am not going to subject my parents to a Medicaid nursing facility”.  Moreover, they would prefer spending down their loved one’s life-savings thinking their loved one’s will receive… Read more »

Is Medicaid for me?

With the ever changing health insurance rules and regulations, and the fact that no one truly has a clear understanding of what the new Affordable Care Act will offer or take, one thing is very clear, more and more elderly and disabled individuals will explore Medicaid eligibility. Most elderly and disabled individuals earned the right… Read more »

It’s never too late to apply for Medicaid

Individuals privately paying for home-care services or in need of nursing home care and are afraid to apply for Medicaid medical assistance, because of the five (5) year look back period, will deplete their life savings for no reason at all.   Applicants can and are able to protect some or all of their income, resources,… Read more »

Should I apply for Medicaid?

With the ever changing health insurance rules and regulations, and the fact that no one truly has a clear understanding of what the new Affordable Care Act will offer or take, one thing is very clear, more and more elderly and disabled individuals will explore Medicaid eligibility.   Most elderly and disabled individuals earned the… Read more »