Medicaid Fair Hearings

In this day and age we all understand that nothing comes our way easy and so it happens that Medicaid eligibility falls into this category as well. What does one do or what are the options if an application is denied? What if the Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) agency reduced your hours or informed you that the hours you or your loved requires cannot be approved?

When the above referenced issues arise one option you have is to request a fair-hearing. Medicaid Fair Hearings are similar to administrative hearing. Most of the times there is an administrative judge and a representative from Medicaid. You the requester will have an opportunity to present your case submit evidence to support your position and even cross examine Medicaid’s representative.

Most of the times a Medicaid Fair Hearing is your final stop and the decision is final; hence, it’s imperative that you arm yourself with experienced fair hearing representative who will offer you a chance to win your case.

We at Elder Care Services, Inc., have represented many clients with their Medicaid fair hearings with a very high successful rate. If you are facing such an issue please feel free to contact us to discuss the options and possibilities you have.